Xbox gets stuck on a green screen for reasons like corrupt files, hard drive failure, and incomplete software updates. The easy way to fix the green screen of death on Xbox One is to perform a hard reset or offline system update using a USB flash drive or factory reset.

Xbox One Stuck On Green Loading Screen

Many people have been facing Xbox stuck on green screen error where Xbox ceases to turn on. After being idle on the green screen for some time, Xbox might turn off or goes into a black screen. This problem is commonly known as Xbox green screen of death, which could occur for many reasons. I researched and found several solutions to fix Xbox One Stuck on Green Screen error. In this article, let’s look at the causes of Xbox green screen errors and solutions to fix them.

What Causes Xbox To Stuck On Green Screen?

Corrupt files and hardware failures are the most common reasons Xbox gets stuck on the green loading screen. Sometimes, network connectivity might be the culprit too. As reported by a lot of people on the Xbox forum, I have listed the common reasons why your Xbox gets stuck on green screen:

Interrupted Update or Incomplete Install – Similar to many other devices, including smartphones and smart TVs, you should not turn off your device while the software or firmware update is in progress. An interrupted update can often cause a green screen error on Xbox. This can even lead to incomplete or corrupted files on your Xbox, creating problems like this. Hard Drive Read-Write Error – If a read-write error occurs on your hard drive, then the Xbox won’t be able to read any data from the storage unit. If Xbox cannot read data from the hard drive, it’s evident that Xbox cannot turn on. During the booting process, necessary files must be loaded from the hard drive. If that doesn’t happen, chances are there for Xbox to get stuck on the startup screen. Sometimes, it will display just a black screen and nothing else, not even the Xbox logo. Corrupted Xbox Storage – Many startups and boot-related files are stored on the storage unit. If some of them are corrupted or partially unavailable, it can cause issues, like a green screen loading error. So you have to ensure that no files on the hard drive are corrupted. Xbox Server Connectivity Issues – As you might know, you need an internet connection to connect to the Xbox server and use the console. If there are connectivity issues with the Xbox server or your Internet connection, Xbox won’t load as expected. Xbox servers play a massive role in enabling everyone to play games on their console, without which many online multiplayer games won’t work. Delayed Security Checks – A system integrity check is initiated by the Xbox system when it boots up after an unexpected power loss or shut down. If some files got corrupted during the last power off, the system integrity check might get delayed or even fail, which in turn causes the Xbox to get stuck on the green loading screen. Hard Drive Failure – If your hard drive on the Xbox fails, then Xbox one console won’t start. If it is something with the hard drive, replacing it will do the job.

Guide To Fix Xbox Stuck On Green Screen

Now that you know some primary reasons why an Xbox might not turn on let’s look at ways to fix the green screen loading error on Xbox. I’ll list down multiple methods to help you quickly fix the issue. Try them one by one to fix your Xbox gaming console.

1. Hard Reset Your Xbox To Fix Stuck on green screen error

A hard reset will fix many tiny issues that prevent your Xbox from booting. If you haven’t tried hard resetting your Xbox to fix the green screen issue, start by turning off the console altogether. Unplug the Xbox and hold the power button for 15 to 30 seconds (This will help us drain any residual power left in the Xbox console). After that, plug it back in and press the power button to turn it on again. If the issue was loading files or temporary glitches, this should quickly solve the issue. If this fixes the Xbox stuck on green screen error, then be assured that there are no hardware problems. Once turned on, ensure there are no pending updates to be done.

2. Avert Xbox One System Integrity Check

The system integrity check is the process that ensures everything is all right during the booting of the Xbox console. The Xbox system will initiate a system integrity check every time you turn it on. It checks for things like if every file is in place, any corrupted files or any files have been tampered with. Apart from this, the system checks for other anomalies too. If the integrity check cannot find some important files during the process, it might make the Xbox not turn on. In this case, we can try bypassing the system integrity check to get rid of the green screen error on Xbox One. Turn on your Xbox controller and press the button with the Xbox logo (Guide button). Now press and hold the start button for a couple of seconds and immediately remove the batteries from the console controller. This is one easy way to skip the integrity check on Xbox quickly. You may want to try this multiple times to avert the integrity check as it is not a sure shot.

3. Format Xbox Hard Drive

Corrupted files on your Xbox hard drive can sometimes be the villain making the Xbox stuck on a green screen. The read-write error might do reading and writing data to the hard disk impossible. This will cause issues as Xbox won’t be able to read any data. In this case, one of many ways we can fix our Xbox hard drive is to format it. I know formatting your hard drive will lead to data loss. Since your game progress is saved in the cloud, formatting the hard drive is okay. The only thing is that you’ll have to download all the games all over again. If you plan to go this route, format your Xbox hard drive and try using it again to see if the issue persists.

4. Factory reset Xbox one to original defaults

Factory resetting Xbox will switch everything from your custom configuration to the original defaults. After a factory reset, it might feel like you just unboxed a brand new Xbox console. You’ll have to set up everything right from the beginning again. Similar to formatting the hard drive, it will also erase all the data. Before going ahead and factory resetting your Xbox one console, I suggest you take a complete backup (just in case). But that’s optional. Let’s see how to factory reset Xbox to fix the stuck on green loading screen error:

5. update Xbox one system (Offline)

You might be wondering how to update Xbox when it’s not turning on in the first place. Yes, I get it, but we will update Xbox using a USB stick. Did you know that you have the option to update Xbox without the internet? If you had tried to update Xbox in the past and it got interrupted for some reason, the current version might be corrupted. A manual Xbox system update is recommended in this case. If your Xbox is getting stuck on the green screen because of bugs or other issues with the current version, then updating the system will surely fix the problem. Follow the steps below to learn how to update the Xbox gaming console offline using a USB stick. Before starting, ensure you have a USB drive with a minimum 8 GB capacity. We will first load the update file to the USB stick and then use it to update Xbox.

6. Replace Hard Drive On Your Xbox One

This is very obvious. If your Xbox’s hard drive fails, you’ll have to swap in a new hard drive to get it working again. But the good news is replacing a faulty Xbox One hard drive is relatively simple. The process of replacing the hard drive might seem tedious but very simple. First, you need to set up the new hard disk, open the Xbox console, and connect. Once done, you can turn on Xbox, which should work without any issue. Refer to the video to learn how to easily replace the hard disk on your Xbox.

7. Get Your Xbox Repaired

If you have tried all the methods given above and none of them worked, then it’s time to ask for help for expert assistance. So far, we have tried all the ways to fix software and basic hardware issues. If the actual reason Xbox is stuck on green screen is related to complex hardware like motherboard or other components, then there’s pretty much nothing we could do. Our last resort is to take Xbox to the nearest service center. Before taking to the service center, ensure to take required backups of content to avoid data loss.

8. Get In Touch With The Xbox Support Team

Before taking your Xbox to the service center, it is also recommended that you get in touch with the support team once. There are multiple ways to connect to an Xbox support specialist. You can either directly call them or chat online to solve your issues. Below are the contact details to get in touch with Xbox support assistance. Call SupportMon to Fri: 6 AM to 5 PMSat to Sun: 6 AM to 5 PM The web Chat option is also available.

9. Follow Updates On Xbox Forums

It is also worth looking at Xbox forums to find potential solutions to the green screen error on Xbox one. As mentioned earlier, Xbox stuck on green screen is a pretty widespread issue among Xbox users. So, chances are, you might find something that might help you. These are some of the highly active Xbox forums you can find potential solutions to the Xbox stuck on loading screen problem.

Official Xbox forum Xbox forum on Reddit

10. Repair Xbox Yourself

By referring to the forums above or other resources, if you could pinpoint the exact issue why Xbox is getting stuck at the green loading screen, then you may proceed to repair it yourself if you know what you’re doing. Simple tasks like replacing the hard disk, cleaning the fans, or even checking the connections can be done yourself. I would not suggest you open your Xbox if it is still in the warranty period. If your Xbox is out of warranty, you may try opening it up and checking for connection problems, hard drive failure, etc. If a particular internal component of your Xbox is not working, you may purchase them online and fix it on your Xbox to fix the issue. Note: Only try to open the Xbox if you know what you are doing. Suppose you are not an expert when it comes to the hardware side of things, I strongly recommend you to take the Xbox to the nearest service center.

Wrap Up

Factory resettings and manually updating the Xbox system using a USB flash drive are the most worked methods to fix an Xbox that gets stuck on the startup screen. Even after trying every fix above, if you can still not get your Xbox past the green loading screen, it’s time to take it to a service center. Let’s quickly recap what we did to fix the green screen of death in Xbox One:

Hard Reset Your Xbox To Fix Stuck on green screen error Avert Xbox One System Integrity Check Format Xbox Hard Drive Factory reset Xbox one to original defaults update Xbox one system (Offline) Replace Hard Drive On Your Xbox One Get Your Xbox Repaired Get In Touch With the Xbox Support Team

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