WYO is an acronym for “What You On”. Generally, people use this word to know what’s the other person up to or what he/she is doing, plans, etc. This can be used to initiate or start a new conversation. Snapchat is one of the most popular social media applications with hundreds of millions of downloads on both the Apple App Store and Google Play Store.

What is WYO on Snapchat?

There are hundreds of acronyms or short words that people use on Snapchat while messaging. This not only helps them to save time but also to keep the conversation short and straight to the point as well. WYO is an abbreviation for What You’re On and is used to tag Snapchat posts on Twitter, Facebook, or Instagram with what they are doing at that moment in time or what they are using at that moment in time One such word that we often see is WYO. WYO is for What You On. The letters W, Y, and O are the first letters of the words, which are used in combination as an acronym. Below given are some examples of scenarios where you can ask WYO.

To ask what are they doingTo ask if they have some upcoming plansIf you are willing to catch upTo initiate a conversation

These are some of the scenarios where you can use WYO on Snapchat. Not just on Snapchat, the same can be used to message anyone on any platform like WhatsApp, Instagram, etc. Now that you know the meaning of WYO in Snapchat, next time onwards, you can send WYO to know where the other person is up to. And if someone asks you this, now you know what to reply.

Variety Ways to Send WYO on Snapchat

There are two main ways by which you can send WYO on Snapchat.

Send as a plain textSearch for WYO GIFS via Giphy.


So that’s it. This is everything that you need to know about WYO on Snapchat. The word just has a simple meaning and it is an acronym, nothing fancy. Next time onwards if you encounter this word, now you know what to reply to and when to ask the same as well. Similar to WYO, other acronyms used on Snapchat are:

LMK – Let Me KnowWYD – What’re You DoingDYK – Did You Know