If you are one among who spent a lot of time on YouTube, then it will be always a better idea to switch to the latest Dark Mode to reduce Eye Strain while watching videos on YouTube. The blue light coming from the screen is not good for our eyes. So, to reduce the eye strain to some extent it is advised to enable Dark Mode. As I mentioned earlier, It is a hidden trick. so, the majority of the YouTube users doesn’t know about it. This mode can be activated by simple two steps. Here, in this article, you will find How you can enable Dark Mode on YouTube. So, Without futher ado let’s quickly jump into the article and let’s see How to Enable YouTube Dark Mode with a simple script.

How To Enable YouTube Dark Mode

Follow the step by step instruction and see how you can enable YouTube Dark Mode.

  1. Go to YouTube.com Make sure that you are browsing on Google Chrome Browser.

  2. Right Click anywhere on the page and click on the option “Inspect“ Now a Developer Tab will appear.

  3. Switch to Console tab by clicking on the Console option.

  4. Now, in the Console tab, paste the below given code without editing.

  5. Hit Enter.

  6. Close the Console Tab.

  7. Refresh the Page. Now, the YouTube layout will be completely changed. It’s the new YouTube UI Change. (In Beta Testing). As it is in Beta Testing, it is not available to everyone, only those who enable it can enjoy the Beta Version of new YouTube UI.

  8. On the Top-Left corner of the screen, click on your Account Profile Icon.

  9. Click on “Dark Mode” option and Turn it ON.

BOOM! Now, YouTube has changed to new Dark Mode.

How To Turn Off YouTube Dark Mode?

Now, If you want to just turn Off the YouTube Dark Mode and want to surf through the Default New UI, then follow the instructions:

  1. On the Top-Left corner of the Screen, click on Account Profile Icon
  2. Now, from the options click on Dark Mode
  3. Now, turn off the Dark Mode by clicking on the Toggle Button. That’s it, we have reverted back into a Normal version of YouTube’s latest UI. If you don’t like the Latest UI of YouTube and want to go back to the Classic version, then follow the below given steps.

How To Revert Back to Default YouTube?

For any reason, if you want to revert back to default YouTube UI, follow the instructions.

  1. On the Top-Left corner of the Screen, Click on the Account Profile Icon.
  2. Click on the last Option “Restore Classic YouTube“
  3. Now a popup will ask you why you are leaving new UI, simply select any option of your Choice and click Continue. Voilaa! Now you are on the Default YouTube UI. That’s it guys, this is how we enable secret Dark Mode on YouTube.

Final Words

A Majority of YouTube users are not aware of the latest UI Change Beta Version. I recently got access to the Beta Version of new UI Change using the trick mentioned above. In the latest YouTube UI, there is an option for changing the mode to Dark Mode for protecting our eyes. For People who spent a lot of time on YouTube, It will be a better idea to change to Dark Mode to save your eyes. The blue light coming from the screen is not good for our eyes. So, Dark Mode can prevent eye strain to a certain extent. As I mentioned earlier that majority of users are not aware of it, Share this article on Facebook, Twitter, WhatsApp or anywhere and let your friends also know about this hidden secret of YouTube.